Dealing with other people’s opinions

2 min readJun 21, 2020


Should we care what other people think of our goals? No? …well maybe just a little.

Should we care about what other people think?

This week I received a query about how to deal with other people’s opinions of your aspirations and goals. Now, this is relevant to us, despite us often saying “I don’t care what other people think”. But we should care, but only to a certain level, the level where we do not let it adjust or modify our dreams.

“We are the ones that have the goal, the vision, we can see it. They may not be able to, and this makes it hard for them to understand what it means to us.”

People who love you will still give you their opinion out of goodness. Don’t just dismiss it, but separate it from the noise that is designed to put you off your course. Some won’t want you to even try, let alone succeed for fear they will be left behind.

Some people are great at turning a positive into a negative and some people are so conditioned to be negative if they walk into a dark room they begin to develop!

Keeping on the right track

When your goal means more to you than someone else’s opinions, that’s your indicator to keep on track, to persevere. It’s harder to achieve something when you don’t feel supported, but it doesn’t make it wrong!

In history there is evidence of people succeeding despite other’s views.

· Stephen Kings — first work was rejected 30 times

· Michael Jordan was told he was too short to be an NBA player, you won’t make it

· Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough

Our local elections have happened earlier this year in Tasmania — we all take the time to vote for someone, but maybe in life we need to vote more for ourselves! In life we know ourselves, we should back ourselves.

Are you put on Earth to be loyal to other’s opinions? Or to be loyal to yourself and your life?

#othersopinions #backourselves #progressahead #lifecoaching #palc

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Good luck!




PALC focuses on the health, wellbeing and mental fortitude of both adults and children, providing awareness and toolkits for life to fulfil their potential.